Dugs and Yeel - Hud up |
Hud up by Beyoncé Hud up. They dinna luv yi like a luv yi Slow doon. They dinna luv yi like a luv yi Back up. They dinna luv yi like a luv yi Step doon. They dinna luv yi like a luv yi Canny yi see there's nae other mannies above yi Fit a way ti treat the quine that luvs yi Hud up. They dinna luv yi like a luv yi Oh, doon. They dinna luv yi like a luv yi Sumin disna feel richt Cuz it's nae richt Especially comin up efter midnicht I smell yir secret and am nae too perfect ti iver feel worthless How did it come doon ti this? Gan throo yir call list I dinna wint ti lose ma pride And I ken kept it fun Er's sumin I'm missin Maybe ma heid for one. by Chantelle Farquhar (Banff Academy) | Tainted luv by Soft Cell Whiles A feel A've got tae git awaw A've got tae git awaw Fae the pain ye drive intae the hert i me. The luv we share Seems tae go naewhere And A've lost ma nut For A toss and turn A cannae sleep at nicht. Wance A ran tae you (A ran) Noo A run fae you This tainted luv ye've giein A gied ye aw a wean could gie ye Tak ma tears and that's no nearly awwwwww! Tainted luv, och, tainted luv. Noo A ken A've got tae run awaw A've got tae git awaw! by Sonny Lindsay (Kirkcaldy High School) |