Facey Like Yours - Rich n Peer |
Rich n Peer
Eens upon a time in a land affa far awa, ere wis an affa fine loonie cad James MacPherson. He bade in Inversneckie bit he floated aboot awy.
The een hing folk didna like aboot um wis he reeved money and scran ti help a the peer folk. A o the minted gadgies hated um. They didna like their money bein teen awa.
Heaps o folk hated his guts bit ithers loved um. He wis ay gettin chased by the bobbies fan he nicked stuff fae the maerkets. Ere wis een manny that wis determined ti catch i loon. At wis Lord Duff o Braco, the loon that bade doon at Duff Hoose in Banff.
So Lord Duff o Braco hid a wee clan o his chums go after James.
James robbed mony maerkets in Aberdeenshire and Moray. Bit, ae day in Keith, James reeved a loaf o breid, three aipples and a bun. At wis i day he caught oot. Lord Duff o Braco's wee gang caught um. They teen um doon ti the dungeons o Banff. They kept um in ere umsel. He wis well lonely, and it wis affa caul. So wi a his time doon in i dungeons he made a wee sang.
It wis cad 'It is caul' and went a wee bit like ess.
"It is caul,
It is caul,
I canny feel ma taes.
It is caul,
It is caul,
I've been stuck in here for days."
He wis stuck for a wik afore he got oot. Fan he got oot, he wis telt he wis gan tae die. They teen um up tae the galla hill. He wis ti be hangit at twelve noon on the 16th o November in the year 1700.
Abidy gathert roon. James wis affa annoyed because abidy winted ti see him die.
A reprieve wis bein sent ower fae Macduff bit Lord Duff o Braco got the time changed on i clock so they could hing him earlier. James noticed i time so he teen his fiddle and played anither sang he wrote and en he snapped his fiddle in half ower his knee.
And en he died on the gallas tree.
by Kaydi McArthur
(Banff Academy)